Various Arch Viz projects from 2016-2017
V-Ray Projects

Quick grab from a 360 render of a space. Brand-free version.

Quick grab from a 360 render of a space. Brand-free version.

Quick grab from a 360 render of a space. Brand-free version.

Quick grab from a 360 render of a space. Brand-free version.

Quick grab from a 360 render of a space. Brand-free version.
Octane Projects

Still from the animations for the pilot episode of Rafterhouse for HGTV.

Still from the 3D animations for Season 1 of Good Bones for HGTV. Created using Cinema 4D and Octane.

Still from the 3D animations for Season 1 of Good Bones for HGTV. Created using Cinema 4D and Octane.
UE4 Projects (Real-time VR)